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Barbara Black on bbr

Barbara Black on bbr: "Our sound is born from the roots of rock with the power of today's metal"
Barbara Black on bbr
"Our sound is born from the roots of rock with the power of today's metal"

Barbara Black is a Spanish singer and songwriter who recently released "Love Death & Flies" album, with her solo band. Bbr took the chance to have a little chat with her for this interview. 

Hello Barbara!  Congrats for your new album "Love Death & Flies". Really refreshing sound! How are you?
Thank you!! I am so honored to be here.

Tell us a few words about the recordings of your new album. When and where?
The first song we composed was "Tiger Tamer" in February 2019. We loved the guitar riff Javier composed so we were inspired. We could say it is the link between "Ad Libitum", our previous album, and this new "Love, Death & Flies". We recorded the videoclip and meanwhile sketching new songs. In October 2019 we went to The Cadillac Blood Studios with Andy C and started with the album recording. After this in March 10th we released the album, and the 13th the quarantine lockdown began hahaha.

How can you describe your sound?
Our sound is born from the roots of rock with the power of today's metal. The new album Love, Death & Flies is our hardest sound. You will find in the lyrics Victorian streets, dark passages and a decadent romanticism and it will drive you to reach the zenith in “Damnified”, a reflection of the approach to wilder southern sounds. I am a passionated singer so there are powerful voices that fly through melodies, screaming and opera. And what I really like the most is the sharp guitars and devastating drums.

Barbara Black
Are there any plans for live performances in the near future?
If the virus allows…we are going to play the new live tour dates from October all over Spain but it is very difficult making any plans right now. We hope some Music Festival consider us for 2021, it would be an honor and a dream come true to be rocking again.

Do you have any other musical projects, or you feel really dedicated about your band?
Bárbara Black is absolutely my main project, my baby, what I love the most and what I am dedicated to 100%. But sometimes I played live in a cover band called Rock Star Band with Martin More (Sangre Azul).

What do you enjoy most? Singing on stage or recording in the studio?
Singing on stage by far! I love the adrenaline the stage gives me, the energy of the audience  and sharing that with my band mates. When I am in the studio sometimes it is hard to relax, I sometimes feel the pressure of singing my best in the fewer time, but anyway both are magical moments.

What is your opinion about the whole situation in the world today? Are you happy?
We are living a dramatic historic situation, this virus has changed everything and the problems everyone had, have become bigger now. I hope we can recover as soon as possible and come back to normal life. I would like to send a love message to those who have been ill or those who have lost someone.

What are your future plans about the band? Are you going to keep a steady line up or you will follow the idea of a project?
We are actually a steady-line, we are very comfortable being together so we will be working as up to now.

Do you believe in God?
I believe in energy.

Are you angry with prejudiced people judging your music?
Angry?  Never! Music is art, and art is freedom. What I don´t like is people who, when they express themselves, lack respect for others.

Give us an advice about the new singers. What is the first thing that you would say to them?
If it hurts stop! Vocal chords are a very fragile instrument and you have to take care of them, once your chords are damaged you have a scar for life. And try to look for your own style and personality, being original is a very precious treasure!

We really like your work! The last words are yours…
Thank you so much for your words and this great interview, rock and metal fans will be able to know us better. If any metalhead wants to listen to our music or videos, you can check out our social media, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook on Barbara Black Official or even you can find our albums, t-shirts and merchandising on www.barbarablackrock.com/store. You are gonna rock it for sure!!

10 xronia bbr


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