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Elysium on bbr

Bbr took the chance to have a little chat with Italian symphonic gothic-folk band Elysium for an interview.
Elysium on bbr

Bbr took the chance to have a little chat with Italian symphonic gothic-folk band Elysium for an interview.

Welcome to Elysium! Introduce yourselves to us!
Elysium is a symphonic folk gothic band with female vocals, male violinist, keyboard, guitar, bass and drums, drawing inspiration from early Within Temptation and Nightwish, as well as from the most popular European rock acts like Anathema. Between catchy and symphonic refrains, melodic guitar riffs and vocal counterpoints on a solid Rock basis, the band makes frequent incursions in Classic Rock (Queen, Muse), Folk and Prog (Eluveite & Pineapple Thief ), occasionally adding opera and r’n’b background vocals. The use of Keyboards and orchestration sequences enriches the songs and adds a symphonic edge to them, duetting with violin and guitar. The songwriting duties rely on singer Daphne Nisi (Baraonna), and Bass player Marco Monetini (Gerico, Nidi di Ragno, Fuorilinea), flanked by Violin player Christian Arlechino (La Tresca). The rest of the band is formed by guitar player Simone Moratto and drummer Flavio Lovisa. Special guest on keyboards and orchestrations on the new album “Labyrinth of Fallen Angels” is composer and arranger Marco Sinopoli. 

Let us know a few words about the history of the band!
Band was originally formed in Orvieto, Italy, in early 2013 by bassist Marco Monetini, violinist Christian Arlechino, with the involvement of drummer Flavio Lovisa. The core of the group was born out of common artistic interests that the three held together with regards to songwriting style, work-ethic philosophy and mutual musical desires. Between 2014 and 2015, the band wrote and recorded their debut Ep album, "Symphony of a forest". In 2016 new members joined the band: singer Daphne Nisi and guitarist Simone Moratto, who definitely have changed the compositions, giving a more powerful and Rock sound to band along the infusion of soulful vocals.

Have you ever felt frustrated and ready to give up?
No never ... we absolutely want to bring our music all over the world ... our commitment is always greater with each passing day ...

How do you get inspired to create your own music? Through time has there been a change in the way you draw ideas?
here is a very specific musical idea behind the creation of the ideas and the songs ... musical idea behind this project is to have a symphonic rock where various influences and musical insertions can coexist in a true and new kind of crossover genre. And that's why we can hear the 70's symphonic rock of the Queen, the Caravan, the Camel along with the Vivaldi's classical influences, a real reference point for the melodies of the violin, tied together with a folk vein typical of Jethro Tull or Eluveite . and of course, I have to answer yes ... there has been an evolution in musical tastes and in everyday listening ... and so you can hear many things that can refer to listening to bands such as Anathema or Within Temptation especially in the vocal and keyboard parts.

Let’s forget the past!  You released an awesome album last year. How do you feel about this release?
I'm so happy about the feedback...all very good reviews with great grades ... also many people have appreciated and bought the CD ... especially in Scandinavia and English-speaking countries (USA\UK\Australia) but especially in France and the Netherlands).

What do you think is your strongest element on this album?
The voice of our singer mixed with the originality of the violin ... without forgetting the pop vein that manages to grip even people far from rock and metal

Listening to the album several times, each time I found that this release has an incredible depth.  You cannot say if this is only rock or only metal but this is a really qualitative album. How can you describe your sound and vibes?
The secret I think is given by the fact that none of us have ever played metal (or even rock for someone!) ... we all come from different musical worlds ... this is the secret that probably gave that extra magic touch to our songs ... and then there is to say that the bassist (me!) composes really well .... ahahahahahha ... it's a joke ... of course ... but having played at least 5 genres in my life gave to the compositions a great harmonic opening and beautiful song structures

From what I understand, there were some serious plans and you promoted the album successfully worldwide. Are you also ready for lives in 2021?
Yes we are ready ... and there will be many news ... which we hope will make the band even more known all over the world ...

Can we expect the successor to “Labyrinth Of Fallen Angels” soon?
Yesssssssss.....we are preparing the third cd which will be a concept on Darwin's theories and the subsequent disavowal of his collaborator Wallace ... this time it will not be just a lyrical but also a musical concept ... something that is very close in terms of sound to Pink Floyd and to Yes ... but as a structure and musical influences to Fates Warning and Dream Theater ... in short there will always be ghotic and folk ... but with more prog and dark within all the songs

Why did you select to sing in English and not in Italian, for example?
Ahahaha ... very simple ... this genre ... and by genre I mean rock..not who knows what idea of metal or its subgenre ... does not exist in Italy ... in our country there is only pop rap and trap .... it was therefore natural to sing in English ... and as a musical and recording project we turn to northern European and Anglo-Saxon-speaking countries that know the genre well ... and will be able to appreciate its characteristics

I would like to thank you very much for the nice conversation we had and I wish to you the best for the future 
But thanks go to you and your magazine that give space to emerging artists like us ... giving us the opportunity to make ourselves known by an ever wider audience that loves rock and metal ... a big greeting to all readers. ..and keep following us on our media and social networks ... rock will never die!


10 xronia bbr


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