
bbr Rock & Metal Music Portal

All About Rock’n’Roll Science: Παρασκευή 11 Οκτωβρίου @ Closer

Ακολουθεί Δελτίο Τύπου

RUMBLE SKUNK RECORDS presents: All About Rock’n’Roll Science! (Friday-11-October), at: CLOSER (Ιπποκράτους 150, Εξάρχεια). A journey to tyme via the cool eras of Rock’n’Roll, presenting only the hot stuff!!!! Be there at: 23:00!!! Come where the action is and have fun! Stay cool, fire it up!

A box with hot vinyls of our first release: LORDS OF GRAVITY“The Curse Of Icarus” will be available as well, and especially for this night the price will be 10 Euro!!! So, come and drink some booze, beers & be sure to grab a copy!!! It’s What’s Happening Babe!!!

10 xronia bbr


bbr Rock and Metal Music Portal | WebZine - WebRadio est. 2010 | bbrweb.com ...Music is in our blood...

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